Error Status Management

Error Categories Description

The activation of an error, belonging to any category defined in an Error Profile, may depend on the presence/absence of data and/or source events. Profile error events can therefore be activated when specific conditions are detected on the data or when a device communicates to Aurora Vision the identification of a Source error event (that is a machine error identified by a device and sent to Aurora Vision, which will model it based on the device that sent it) that falls into one of the profile error categories.

The following are the categories of errors whose evaluation depends on specific conditions detected on the data (available only in English):

Category Error


Default Status

Hierarchical Evaluation


One or more devices have been correctly registered on Aurora Vision, but they haven’t communicated yet.


Plant Level


Aurora Vision’s has not received any data from the inverter (or logger) for the configured timeout. Devices events will not be evaluated until communication with Aurora Vision is re-established.


Logger/Device Level


The device (e.g. meter, weather station, battery…) has not communicated with the inverter (or logger) for the configured timeout. Device events will not be evaluated until device communication is re-established.


Device Level


The inverter has not produced power for the Elapsed Time duration, while irradiance remains above the Irradiance Threshold. If the plant does not have a functioning irradiance sensor, only the Elapsed Time will be used to trigger this event.


Device Level


A String Off State has been detected on this string. No current was produced by the string over a period of time when the average current output of all strings at the plant was above the threshold value.


Device Level


A String Low State has been detected for the string. The current produced by the string was low, compared to the average current output of all strings at the plant, over a period of time when the average was above the threshold value.


Device Level


An OFF state has been detected for the sub-array. No current was produced over a period of time when the average current output, of all sub-arrays on the combiner, was above the threshold value.


Device Level


An Out-of-Range state has been detected. The Performance Ratio of the plant was detected out of range for a configured timeout.


Plant Level

All other categories of errors are evaluated based on the presence of source events directly communicated by the device to Aurora Vision. Regardless of the type of evaluation made, the activation of a profile error is always subject to the rules set for the specific error category defined in the error profile.

You can download the ExcelTM file of all error categories, with their description, down below:

Aurora Vision Error Categories – Description File
Last Update: 05/05/2022
(Please note that the file is available only in English)