Entity State Management

Any entity on Aurora Vision is characterized by a State which describes the availability at the monitoring level and, generally, this availability is directly linked to the physical installation state of the device. In a nutshell, therefore, you can think of the “State” as a parameter that allows you to keep your hierarchy aligned by reflecting the physical installation status of one or more devices (or plants).

The State of an entity is generally indicated in the response of all the APIs that allow to dynamically scale the hierarchy and can only be changed by an Aurora Vision user, with sufficient privilege role, from dedicated products. It is important to remember that the purpose of the State parameter is not to notify error events present at plant and/or device level.

There are four states available:

  • ACTIVE: the entity is active and has not undergone any changes since its installation in the field;
  • DELINQUENT: the entity has not sent monitoring data to Aurora Vision for at least 90 days;
  • DECOMMISSIONED: the entity is no longer actively monitored, but the historical data, up to the moment of the change of status, remain available for consultation;
  • DELETED: the entity is no longer actively monitored and the historical data are no longer available.

NOTE 1: the DELINQUENT state is automatically triggered by Aurora Vision and usually has an associated error status. For more info on the status management of entities, please refer to the Error Status Management chapter.

NOTE 2: entities with a DELETED state should be automatically filtered from the responses of any APIs; if you find any inconsistencies regarding this statement, we ask you to report them through our dedicated page Contact Us.