Sign-Up to Aurora Vision

Aurora Vision uses a Role Based Access (RBA) system to discriminate which products and features the user can access upon logging-in. Based on the account Privilege Role, which is assigned only after completing a plant registration or assignment operation, Aurora Vision determine to which products and features the user will be redirected. This system allows access to be managed in a stratified way, providing a higher level of security, but also a way to guarantee control over the enabling/disabling of individual features and the display of specific assets; all of this on a per user basis.

To access Plant Portfolio Manager you need a properly validated Aurora Vision account with Privilege Role Administrator.
An Aurora Vision account with Administrator privilege role, can only be obtained by sending an official request to FIMER Customer Support and explicitly asking that you want to administer a fleet of solar plants with your own portfolio.

NOTE: the Aurora Vision RESTful APIs service is not affected by the RBA system

From the Aurora Vision Log-In page

Contact Customer Support

On the Aurora Vision Log-In page, click on the Customer Support link in order to be redirected to the dedicated page. Alternatively, scan the QR-Code.

Already have an Aurora Vision account?

If you already Signed-Up on Aurora Vision, whether you have already registered your first plant or not, you must still contact FIMER Customer Support to obtain an account with an Administrator privilege role.